School Fee Management Software
Pc Programs Information
School Fee Management Software is designed for schools to track the student information and their respective fees and payments.
School Fee Management Software makes fee collection seamless and hassle free. It efficiently helps Student Management. The users can track student Information, handle student registration, classes or courses offered and their respective fee structures, outstanding payment details of each student. The details of your school students past, future and current fee payment receipts can be maintained.
School Fee Manager allows you to define the fee structure for your School or Institute like Yearly or Monthly, and based on that, fee management can be easily done. Different Fee Item heads can be created based on the preferences of the organization. It also provides Course-wise Multiple Fee Creation Feature. Receipts for Payments can be easily generated. Bulk Fee creation can be set up for a group of students. Different modes of payment can be selected. Various types of summarized reports can be generated like Fee Search, Payments Search, and Outstanding Payments Search.