Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements (Online Course)

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Infocus International Group, a global business intelligence provider in strategic information and professional services, presents the Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements online masterclass, scheduled to go live on 4th February & 15th September 2025.
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Session 1: 4 February 2025, 1am – 4am GMT | 15 September 2025, 12pm – 3pm GMT
Global Trends Driving Renewable Power Generation Investments & the Rise of Competitive Energy Markets
Session 2: 5 February 2025, 1am – 4am GMT | 17 September 2025, 12pm – 3pm GMT
Risk Identification, Risk Analysis Models, and Risk-Allocation Techniques for Today's Green Energy Market
Session 3: 6 February 2025, 1am – 4am GMT | 18 September 2025, 12pm – 3pm GMT
Structuring Renewable Energy PPA Bankability
Session 4: 10 February 2025, 1am – 4am GMT | 23 September 2025, 12pm – 3pm GMT
Managing the Role of Renewable Generators in New, Emerging Competitive Energy Market
Session 5: 11 February 2025, 1am – 4am GMT | 25 September 2025, 12pm – 3pm GMT
Group Exercise: Analyzing & Negotiating a Renewable Energy PPA
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In the global marketplace of 2020s, both developed and developing economies urgently need to master the key techniques and models for transforming to renewable generation while strengthening the reliability of new energy markets and systems. These focus on adapting and negotiating the latest models for Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements (RE PPAs) and on rapidly attracting new private investments in renewable energy sources. Unlike past fossil-fuel based Independent Power Project (IPP) models that featured standardized take-or- pay contracts – today’s renewable energy markets demand more innovative incentives to attract RE supply, conform to RE
generation availability, ensure power system reliability, as well as more attractive and sustainable mixtures of fuel sources. Government power sector strategies are now struggling to choose among different practical incentives for new private investments in the renewable technologies including solar energy, wind power, bio-mass incineration and mini-hydro investments.
This interactive 5-session workshop will provide clear explanations of the new models of Renewable Energy PPA risk allocation, of ensuring project bankability, of allowing RE generators to compete in energy markets and power pools. The practical models for RE investment credit enhancements will be demonstrated through a series of real case examples of RE PPA contracts, renewable project finance transactions, and competitive energy markets. Case Studies will include real examples from Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America.
Want to learn more?
Simply email to or call +65 6325 0235 to register your attendance.
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About Infocus International Group
Infocus International is a global business intelligence provider of strategic information and professional services for diverse business communities. We recognise clients’ needs and respond with innovative and result oriented programmes. All products are founded on high value content in diverse subject areas, and the highest level of quality is ensured through intensive and in-depth market research from local and international insights. For more information: